Saturday, January 11, 2014

Baltimore Album: Another 4 Blocks.

Another 4 blocks done today. I want to make 12 blocks of Baltimore Album, but I have 'base' fabric only for 8 blocks. So I must find out how to make it into 12 blocks or 9 blocks. You must be wondering why didn't I change the base fabric! ..Oh, I fell in love with this base fabric.. it's really nice old fabric that I've got from a long time ago and I want to match it with my old scraps.

Maybe.. maybe.. if you have the same base fabric as mine you will kindly send them to me! :) :) :)

When I was googling "Baltimore Album", this one shown up..
A nice song.. Baltimore by Nina Simone.

Enjoy your Saturday night, dear friends!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Baltimore Album : 3 Blocks for a New Year 2014.

As the new year blossoms.

May the journey of your life be fragrant with new opportunities.

Your days be bright with new hopes .

And your heart be happy with love.